About Us

We are the Skaggs Family - Jason, Kendra, Carter and Polina! We live in NW Arkansas where Kendra is a never home stay-at-home mom and Jason works in the marketing. Carter is 9 years old. He is a unique, dynamic, intelligent young man with a compassionate heart for "the least of these." He also has Asperger's Syndrome (high-functioning Autism) - it makes him who he is and we wouldn't want him any other way!

And then there's Polina. This blog started as a fundraising blog to help us raise money to adopt Polina. It was a turbulent ride through the peak of the American adoption ban. We were approved in court four days before the law was signed, and spent nearly a month not knowing if we would be allowed to bring our daughter home. Thankfully, we were and we arrived home on February 2, 2013.

Polina is 6 years old. She has Spina Bifida and is increasingly numb from her waist down. She came to America with two broken legs and needing surgery on her right foot. Her foot has now been repaired and she will have both of her legs surgically repaired before the end of the year.

Polina is learning to live in a family. It hasn't been an easy road, and while I plan to share the realities of her adoption in the future, right now, I'm trying to stick to celebrating her life and our life together as a family. But I also can't help bur advocate for the Russian orphans left behind and for a nation of people whom we came to love as they supported us through this journey.


  1. Good job Kendra, Praying for your family and this journey that you are on.


  3. Hello! I am Russian, but I live in Colombia and I just read your letter to Putin (http://maxpark.com/community/8/content/1733841). It really gives me corduroy for our senators, that is a brainless puppets. Most Russians do not support this law, but they have no voice. Corruption and theft are on cough as metastazes power structure in Russia, and simply Russians can not do anything.

    I wish you luck for your family. Hopefully everything will be fine.
    Happy new year!


    1. Oxana its happened because every russian think he\she cant do anything for good changes. Too much apathy in Russia.


  4. adding as another russian who lives in Texas, most Russian are very much against that stupid law! i admire your kindness and willingness to help and fight and i m so sorry it did not work ..
    wish you all the best

  5. I just wonder: do such children exist in the US?
    I understand that you have already chosen your girl and you want her, but I don't understand why Americans want just Russian children?
    And really, for some people this is just business and they're making money "selling" ill children from Russia, thats why its not true that majority of people is against this law.
    Its a shame that people abandon their own children and its a shame that such institutes exist here in Russia, but do they not exist in America? Do mothers always act like you did - do they accept their children the way they go and therefore is it impossible to adopt an ill American child?

    1. In America no such home exist. Chrildren without parents are put into foster homes which are typical homes with foster parents to raise them til permenant homes can be found. Parental rights can be difficult to severe so that can cause problems for adoption. I know people who have adopted both kids from the US and from outside the US. Sometimes adopting from outside the US can be easier- although this blog proves it is not easy either. But no- there is no homes for invalids here. Americans would find that offensives. Kids with disablities get all the help and support so they can lead as normal life as possible and be productive members of society. I went to school with a woman that had no bottom torso from birth and she went to college; drove herself; and has written a best selling book since then!

    2. there are so many chidren in the US needing homes.There are not enough foster homes to fill the need,so where do they go? well in the state of Arkansas where you live they have to go to shelters and residential homes, I think that is a fancy name for orphanage. I only wish our US Children could get this attention . Oh did I mention you can adopt a child thru the state of Arkansas and it wont cost you a dime!
      And you never have to leave your town. I am a foster Mom for 11 years. we raised our children and then became foster parents.We didnt plan to adopt.But we have 5 wonderful children from age 9 to 16. I wish the US would close our doors to out of country adoptions maybe then the homeless children here in Arkansas and all over the US could find homes!

  6. You can seek options to adopt the girl through Armenia. Russia and Armenia have extremely strong relationships, I bet there is a way you can circumvent through this politically motivated law. Of course this law was enacted to counter the Magnitsky Act adopted by the U.S.

  7. Hopefully they will allow at least people like you who already been approved to get your children. Don't give up . Lots of people are praying for you and your family.

  8. I am so sorry for everything that is happening. I am a journalist (who is also a Korean adoptee) and I'm looking to talk to someone about the new ban. Are you interested? Again, so sorry. Take care. Michelle - michelle.pak.li@gmail.com

  9. We hope you get your princess. Let us know, pls. Wish you good luck!!

  10. I am praying for you all - God Bless You as you walk down this path. I hope you get to bring your little princess home.

  11. It is unbelievable what you have done to bring the princess home! God bless you and your family! I hope everything works well and she can come to her new home in January...

  12. Wow. Your story really hurt my heart. I am not a praying man, but hope if there is a supreme "God", he hears your prayers. If I can help in anyway, please let me know. I will write my congressman, senator, your congressman & senator. Will do all that is possible.

    Much love Skaggs family,

    Rodney S. Carnahan
    Hobart, IN 46342

  13. God bless you! You are wonderful people. Couldn't stop crying while reading your story. Wish you all the best. Hope you will see your daughter soon.

  14. Dear Kendra
    My heart is with you! I hope that Polina is coming to the USA with you in a few weeks. I would like to send you some cash. How can I do that?

  15. You are my hero guys! You really are.
    My name is Tamara! I'm Russian, but I live in US.
    The low in Russia is a shit, so as people who created it. We didn't choose them.
    I hope Polina will be with you, I wish it with all my heart!

  16. Hi Kindra,

    We are a couple living in the UK who managed to bring our child home last year from Russia. We know the process is hard and hope that you get the little one home soon. Might be worth contacting REEAA (Larisa Mason), who seems to be quite well connected. Might be able to help?

  17. Praying for you and your family. Your strength and grace is inspiring and humbling, and I pray that your family is together SOON.

  18. I feel so bad that Polina is not at home w you, that she will be so sad as the month goes on and no one comes for her. Younger children will not know the difference but Polina is at an age where she understands she has a momma and a poppa and she is probably counting the days to her new home. All 46 children should come home, but at least the children who are sick or disabled or who have met families and are over age 4 should be able to get through- that is probably only 15-20 kids. Why cannot they let those kids through?that is cruel and spiteful. I hope that the Russian people realize what is going on in their country; from what I read, this is not an isolated incident showing the govt's cruelty. Russia did it before in 1991 to rebel against tyranny, they can do it again! All Russians deserve free speech and free assembly.

    I have been to Russia too and it has absolutely no handicapped facilities. None. We are so use to the US where we have handicapped bathrooms, ramps, elevators, etc. NONE in russia. The poor lady in a wheelchair on our tour had to be carried everywhere or st on the side. Handicapped children in russia need to come to the west to have the medical care and facilities they need to function.

    I feel there is alot of false info in the Russian media about orphans, more Russian children (1200 to be exact) died in Russian adoptive families than US(19 - a huge difference). Further, Russians think we adopt in Russia bc it is cheaper, again, FALSE, Americans spend over $50,000 adopting from Russia whereas they could adopt in US for much cheaper and indeed, handicapped children can often be adopted for nothing out of foster care. So the view that Americans adopt bc it is cheaper or that most adoptive families are abusive is just flat out wrong. If the Russian media lies to Russians about children what else do they lie about? I call on Russians to stand up for your country, take your country back! Oftentimes, it takes a long time and many hard fights but Russia can do it! Demand accountability from your govt and that the people be represented! Why does not Russia deserve the same freedoms we have in the US? indeed, I hope for the day when adoptions are no longer necessary, when Russia no longer has corruption and instead allocates the money to family social services so that there are not 1 million orphans!

  19. I love you people. I wish you were my parents (that is somewhat impractical, as I am in my 40's, but I still think you are great.) I am praying that things will go your way, and I would bet a gazillion bucks that they will, eventually. Putin is pushing for concessions over Iran and Syria, but won't stick with his current sanction for long. In the mean time, there is an orphan in rural Montana who I really wish I could introduce you to. (Anthony, 9, KRTV News, Wendys) I know you have too much on you plate already, but that is one seriously good kid. In any case, you are going to win this one - it is just a matter of time.

  20. Hi,
    I'm also an special needs international "soon to be parent".
    I just wanted to invite you to a group for RR parents. (I'm one, also) We would love to be able to help and support you. Please feel free to contact me if you would like more information.

  21. Thank You for such courage , strength and courage ! The great shame for the whole world condemned themselves once again our long-suffering Russia . The country is nothing created billionaires . безтолковых for his people разорителей occurrence of Gazprom and Rosneft , as a helpless in his anger bear-the official deprived of thousands of children and good-hearted people to find each other . A shame that our politicians do not think about the fate of the Russian children-orphans and earlier and the more сечйчас playing them only in their own political interests . God bless your family strength and happiness cope with all the difficulties . Putin conducts himself as a king in the middle ages and creating conditions for the adoption of a decent measures of assistance to our abandoned children deprived them with one stroke of the pen possible happiness and the love of many good hearts of the world - which should not have national boundaries . Forgive us for our impotence - in Russia there is no democracy, and the opinion of the people of power is not important - they always do so . as beneficial to them .

  22. You americans look down at us russians , like we have no facilities, poor ... we never smile etc ... please just stop repeating it... just stop to see what you was told in america , as it is well known when you have already idea, vision, believe about anything you will always only see it ... because it's psyhology ... just be open minded and leave your prejudices home and you will win people... and maybe we don't smile a lot, but it is not because we are unhappy ... it is in our calture .. as we say only fools smile without reason ... God bless !

  23. Дай бог Вам сил и терпения дождаться вашей девочки,очень жалко, что в большую политику вовлечены дети !!!Татьяна

  24. I suggest you to delete anti-russian posts here even if it's true, because if someone from russian government will see it , he will do everything not to let you unite. Believe me. same as americans don't give visa to those who say bad about america and its institutions.

  25. Dear Kendra,

    I am one of the what is probably now thousands of people that have been watching, with my heart in my throat, what will happen to your child. I wanted to let you know that multiple Russian sources are now reporting that the Supreme Court of Russia issued a clarification stating that all the children who have had a court hearing before January 1, 2013 must be handed over to their parents once the decision comes into force. Blessings for you and Polina!


  26. To follow on my earlier comment, here is a link to the actual letter of clarification from the Supreme Court of Russia, just in case it is of any use to you. Best of luck to your wonderful family!


  27. Dear Skaggs family!

    One of my friends and colleagues in Russia invites you to use his legal skills to sue Russian Government for its ugly adoption ban. He is willing to do it pro-bono and intended to take your case to the Constitutional Court. If you are interested, please contact me at pavel@ivlev.net. Good luck! Pavel Ivlev, attorney at law.

  28. I pray for you .. My God! Give them strength ..

  29. Just want to send you our admiration and wish you all the best of luck on your way!
